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Incontinence problems and Fibromyalgia









We’ve all had that moment where we’ve had to use the restroom badly. We can’t hold it anymore, had a cough or a sneeze and had a little accident. It’s awkward and annoying if it happens on a regular basis, though, and an overactive bladder could be a sign of so many other problems going on inside your body.


Did you know that there is likely a link between your overactive bladder and your fibromyalgia?


Bladder symptoms may include urinary frequency, incontinence, urgency and interstitial cystitis (bladder pain). If you have fibromyalgia and think that your symptoms may indicate a problem with your urinary tract or pelvic area, Bladder incontinence and urinary regularity can actually put a discouragement on your communal life, but fortunately there are some interventions that can help you breathe a more satisfying life. So you might find yourself mortified, thinking, “But how can I possibly bring this up?” You may be crippled by the fear of how awkward it would be? But your Doctor will be professional and is only there to help you.

interstitial cystitis (also known as irritable bladder syndrome) include pain and a feeling of pressure in the pelvic area, recurrent urination, insist to urinate even when the bladder is unfilled, and pain throughout or after sex. People with interstitial cystitis may even become incontinent, which can be unpleasant and embarrassing, and need to use protective pads or special underwear.

The symptoms are similar to those of a bladder infection, but there is no infection present. While stress can certainly make fibromyalgia and related syndromes more problematic, it is not the major contributing cause to the development of interstitial cystitis. Anyone can have interstitial cystitis.




Dietary factors to consider include limiting any diuretic types of foods or beverages from the diet. This includes carbonated beverages, caffeine containing beverages and all types of alcohol. Repeatedly highly spiced foods or extremely acidic foods can activate the situation of interstitial cystitis, and these should be eliminated from the diet and then reintroduced with monitoring to decide which foods can be tolerated and which cannot.

Smoking is linked to increased pain and bladder complications and for some people with interstitial cystitis smoking cessation is seen as a key component of management of the symptoms.
Occasionally, it’s a flaw that causes your bladder to be stationary just becoming more energetic can assist.
Your doctor can give you prescription medication or other treatments that can help you to be more in control of your bladder and that can help you urinate less often.

an adult diaper. No one is going to know that you have it on, and they’re designed so that you can urinate subtlety, or pads from a Doctor can be extremely helpful.

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